Hoivan ja paranemisen huone - immersive performance 2024 Rovaniemi Muurola psychiatric hospital

Hoivan ja paranemisen huone (The Room of Healing and Care) is an immersive performance that invites viewers in the spaces and themes of care and healing. The work's material is based on experience and memories from clients and staff of psychiatric hospitals in Muurola and nationwide. 
Hoivan ja paranemisen huone is a multi-sensory experience, where the audience becomes part of the performance.  Audience can also make their own choices and thus influence their own and shared experience. The work has been produced by a multidisciplinary working group as a joint production with Piste Collective. 
An important part of the performance is the space of the psychiatric hospital, its history in the 20th century and its evidentiary force. The walls of hospitals have seen and heard the everyday life of illness and recovery, painful moments, loneliness, community and friendship. Step inside and hear how the rooms speak to you.
Duration 2 hours
Work group and performers
Theater artist: Anne Niskanen
Visual artist: Ninni Korkalo
Composer and sound designer: Jyri Pirinen
Light and sound, musician: Lauri Manner
Circus artists: Leea Finne and Nea Waismaa

Co-Production with work group and Piste Collective
Finnish Cultural Foundation, Arts Promotion Finland -Lapland and the Kordelin Foundation
original idea and concept by Ninni Korkalo and Anne Niskanen
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